
Interactive creation of a drawing

/roll add

Quick Create

You can select all possible default items using the -n parameter, you can create a drawing at this point by simply providing a list of prizes

It is:

/roll add -n

Create Item


Name displayed on query list

Reply-by using default:


A detailed description of the drawing will be displayed in the 查询抽奖列表 directive

Reply-by using default:


You are about to draw a prize in the format <Prize name>*[Amount (Leave empty 1)], each line is considered to be an independent prize


The applet *2// Two paintings
with a total / / one with

// 66 [empty space and *more * by *2]
empty space and *more * by *2*66

Automatic awards

Award opening time, in the form of Year-mm-days-hour-minutes (minutes may be omitted)

Replyn does not use automatic award


2077-11-4-5-14    // November 4, 2077, 5:14 AM
2042-2-6-23       // February 6, 2042, 11:00 PM

Pickup Type

Select the type of prize to start automatically, just reply numbers

The prizer in 0:can repeat

The prizer in 1:cannot repeat

Reply with n to use the default type: 1

Add Token

Create a new password that allows users to send a password directly to add a premium

Reply to n without adding password


To create a draw you must be Bot管理员 or 频道管理员

If allowNormalUserAdd is enabled in Settings, then 普通成员 can also be created

Localization & Alias

This command can also be triggered by

/r add

/ Create Pickup
