
Roll Bot is a multi-platform robot that offers a draw feature.This page will provide some useful suggestions or explanations to help you better use Roll Bot.

Instruction too long?

Most commands have one or more individual names, and you can find them in the Localization & Alias bar of the command page.For example, the beginning of the command can be replaced by a shorter /r and a /remoind can be replaced by /rd.Most of the directives also provide an alias for multilingualism.


Maybe you are using another time zone or another language, don't worry!You can设置你使用的时区 and语言偏好

I am a qq group user, what is the channel?

For qq, a group contains only one channel and can therefore be considered equivalent.The channel id is the same as the group number at this time.

But for some platforms (e.g. discord), there may be multiple channels within a group.So you may need通过指令获取你当前的频道id.
