
Main features of Roll Bot

Pickup is the main feature provided by Roll Bot. A drawing will contain:

  • Title

  • Description&#x20

  • Prizes

  • Times for auto-awards

  • Join Key

  • Open Range

  • Use reminders

You can create a new drawing by the 创建抽奖 directive and use the 编辑抽奖 directive after creation to edit it.

Pick up password

If the lottery is set, users can easily join the lottery by sending a passphrase within the channel.By joining the passwords, users can quickly join the lottery without having to view any instruction instructions.

Open range of prizes

Default is only open to the current channel when the drawing is created.After creating, you can edit the open range of the drawing by the 创建抽奖 directive.This would allow multiple channel users to participate in the drawing of the award, although the same user of the same platform would still be able to participate only once.

Private chat is seen as a channel that only contains you and Roll Bot, which means you can create a premium in a private chat and modify its open range.This method can be used if you want to hide the process of creating the prize (for example, avoid flashing the screen or hide joining the password).
