Quick Tour

Currency Converter is a plugin that provides exchange rate conversion functionality. This page offers useful tips and explanations to help you quickly start using Currency Converter.


If you frequently use another currency, you can set your Base Currency.

If you prefer to use , instead of . as decimal separator, you can set your Decimal Separator.

If you use another language, you can switch your language preference.

Accuracy of Conversions

For results containing decimals, Currency Converter retains four significant digits.

Currency Converter uses a free API provided by exchangerate-api.com to obtain exchange rate information, which is updated daily.

For conversions involving the following currencies, Currency Converter uses Direct Rate.

For conversions not involving the following currencies, Currency Converter uses Cross Rate with USD as an intermediary.

Currencies supported for direct conversion:

  • USD (US Dollar)

  • CNY (Chinese Yuan)

  • EUR (Euro)

  • JPY (Japanese Yen)

  • GBP (British Pound)

  • AUD (Australian Dollar)

  • NZD (New Zealand Dollar)

  • CAD (Canadian Dollar)

  • CHF (Swiss Franc)
